We Believe...
We believe in sustaining and empowering Nantucket’s vibrant and diverse community by providing food, fuel, and rental assistance payments to island residents through confidential and compassionate service.
Nantucket Food Fuel & Rental Assistance remains committed to providing assistance to as many community members effected by COVID-19 as possible. If you or someone you know needs assistance please contact us by using the following information:
The Food Pantry has implemented new procedures and protocols at its 10 Washington Street location. We are adding new clients every day and will continue to do so to the extent possible for as long as we can. Food Item Donations are accepted at the Food Pantry year-round at 10 Washington Street, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3-6 PM. Non perishable items may be left at our donation bin at the front of the Sparks Avenue Stop & Shop. If you have questions or need to register e-mail food@assistnantucket.org.
The Rental Assistance program is open for applications for assistance to qualified year-round island residents. Interviews will be conducted via telephone and required documentation can be received by email, fax, or text. For more information email nffra@assistnantucket.org.
The Fuel Assistance the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) stop taking applications on April 30th, but if you are facing a shut off notice from your utility vendor and need further guidance please email nffra@assistnantucket.org.
The Medical Travel Assistance fund helps defray the cost of traveling off-island for necessary medical appointments and treatments. To apply email nffra@assistnantucket.org.
To apply for assistance, please complete and submit this form and someone will contact you shortly.
Who We Are
In keeping with the philosophy of our parent organization, the Nantucket Interfaith Council, the mission of the NFFRA is to assist residents who face a period of financial insecurity and cannot otherwise provide food or shelter or heat for themselves and their families.
These services provide assistance by making available supplemental nutritious food, help with rental payments to avoid loss of their homes or to move into stable housing, and /or fuel assistance to avoid having no heat during the winter season.Our goal is to keep island workers and residents, so vital to all of our existence, living here on the island to provide services we all need and use on a daily basis.
These services are provided to qualified individuals in a manner expressing care and concern for those needing help and are handled in confidentiality without regard to race, sex, age, creed, religious affiliation or sexual orientation.
In our 25+ year history, NFFRA programs have assisted, store clerks, bank tellers, teacher assistants, nursing assistants, taxi drivers, housekeepers, contractors, landscapers, the temporarily unemployed, families, single parents, seniors on a fixed income, those facing serious illness and injury, those whose work is seasonal in nature, those who lose work hours due to caring for a sick child, spouse or parent.
Find Us
Whether you are just in need of a little help with groceries this month or need help making sure you can stay in your house this month we are here to help. See our full range of services and connect today to get started so you can stay a vibrant contributing member of Nantucket!
Percent of the island’s year-round population that are clients of the Food Assistance Program.
Number of households whose heat stayed on all winter due to the Fuel Assistance Program
Number of bags of groceries distributed each year by The Food Assistance Program, an increase of 50% from 2014.
Percent of Rental Assistance clients who are senior citizen
Equivalent value of wages in time worked by volunteers to NFFRA's various programs each year.
Percent of Rental Assistance clients who have lived on Nantucket for ten years or more
Support Us
If you can contribute monetarily or want to support us with your time or other donations we are always extremely appreciative. Team up with us to help make sure Nantucket stays the wonderful community we have all fallen in love with!
Whether you are in need of a little help this month or you want to contribute to Nantucket's vibrant and thriving community by supporting us we want to connect with you!